Screen Memories: Alien and Faery Abductions

Screen Memories, Stealth Encounters

Alien and Faery Abductions

In truth, all of reality consists of screened images viewed by one or more people and experienced as real. Reality is projected illusion created to experience emotions through the lens (eye) of time.

Screen Memories or Stealth Encounters are false memories recreated by one’s mind to help understand something or overcome fear. What one remembers is not real. This is not be confused withĀ Psychosis.

In alien abduction encounters Screen Memories refer to the images of aliens replaced by something familiar or perhaps friendly. Things remember generally include:

  • Animals: Owls (large dark eyeĀ grays), the cat family, wolves, rabbits (missing time), dogs and deer.
  • Clowns, Circus and Carnie Symbology are also part of the experience which case those involved to be fearful of these people are experiences at a future date. Clowns go to the Trickster.
  • People who rescue: irefighters, policemen, utility people, or someone in the military. Reports of police and military in accounts also emerge, as if some authority from within the person or outside the person is acting as a psychological check or control on the experiencer. Some may interpret the presence of military personnel as indicating an actual military aspect or intervention or deliberate involvement and collaboration in the stealth encounter. Firefighters indicate a possible emergency response to douse the psychological shock of a stealth encounter on the mind and/or body of an experiencer.

Many Sci Fi films and books deal with screened images and memories.

In the filmĀ Contact, Ellie Arrowaway, meets an alien presence who takes the form of her deceased father.

In Islamic theology, an order of stealth beings operating with great secrecy, the Al-Jinn, orĀ Genie, is well known, existing in a hidden realm or mirror universe.

Their behavior is much like the denizens of Faeryland and even more like the behavior of the ‘intruders’ or ‘visitors’ in UFOlogy.

Faeryland Experiences

Abductions, altered and missing time, stolen babies, hybrid-like changelings, experience enchantment and engaging in sexual acts can be found in books likeĀ The Daemonic Reality, which documents such aspects, as do books by William Butler Yeats, among others.

Many events reported during purported abductions often have parallels in anthropology, folklore and religion. Especially frequently correlate with certain imagery persistent in shamanic experiences (e.g., surgery-like procedures, foreign objects implanted in the body) and faerie contact stories, for instance. John Edward Mack, for one, suggested that modern abduction accounts should be considered as part of this larger history of visionary encounters.

UFO researcherĀ Jacques Vallee, documented in detail, the similarities between close encounters and centuries of accounts of elves, sprites, slyphs, gnomes, fairies, leprechauns, changlings and Faeryland in his classic 1970 book,Ā Passport To Magonia.

British UFO Phenomena

ABC News … Is the faery realm linked with autism …Ā Fairytales and folklore dating back hundreds of years contain evidence of autism “Fairies at the bottom of the garden ‘stole’ children, so fairy tales go, leaving behind ‘changelings’ who had symptoms of autism.”

Autism is not new.

Faery abduction tales are not new.

ET encounters and UFO sightings in the woods

involving missing time … are not new.

Is any of it new?

Should one believe what they thought they saw?


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