Short Article: Rare Earth Hypothesis is Invalid!!

Till date we haven’t made contact with any extraterrestrial civilization. Many of us suggest that rare earth hypothesis could be a prevailing concept. In planetary astronomy and astrobiology, the Rare Earth hypothesis argues that the emergence of complex multi cellular life(metazoa) on Earth required an improbable combination of astrophysical and geological events and circumstances.

The Rare Earth hypothesis argues that the emergence of complex life requires a host of fortuitous circumstances. A number of such circumstances are set out below under the following headings: galactic habitable zone, a central star and planetary system having the requisite character, the circumstellar habitable zone, the size of the planet, the advantage of a large satellite, conditions needed to assure the planet has a of a large satellite, conditions needed to assure the planet has a magnetosphere and plate tectonics, the chemistry of the lithosphere,atmosphere, and oceans, the role of “evolutionary pumps” such as massive glaciation and rare bolide impacts, and whatever led to the still mysterious Cambrian explosion of animal phyla. The emergence of intelligent life may have required yet other rare events.
In order for a small rocky planet to support complex life, Ward and Brownlee argue, the values of variables must fall within narrow ranges.

The rare earth hypothesis is absurd beyond my imagination, a predicament for any sentient and cognitive brain which can analyze and conjure up something that is really non trivial. The recent discovery of earthlike planet GJ 581 g(Gliese 581 g) which is orbiting orbiting around a red dwarf in a ‘goldlike habitable zone’ ;makes their arguments invalid. This planet is just at 20 light years from our planet. Now consider that this is the only earthlike planet in a galactic sphere of radius of 20 light year. That means I’m assuming that there is only one planet in galactic volume of 33,510.32164 cubic light years. Though it’s very very pessimistic approach since there could be many more planets which hasn’t been detected yet and I’m precluding the possibility of life forms based on different biochemisty other than carbon water. In our galaxy which is 100,000 light years across and 1000 light years thick, possibility of being habitable zone, would more likely be in the ‘galactic band’ of 15,000-90,000 light years. The probablistic calculations suggest that there should be at least 738,281,250 habitable planets alone in our own galaxy. Bewildered! A very pessimistic approach! Let’s make it even more pessimistic by considering that some gas giants may also lie in habitable zone or simply they lack water or even atmosphere–deduce the number to five million. What is rare earth here? Their damn speculation?

Concording the abstinent argument is ultimate think tank exercise. Since, we’ve no authorized extraterrestrial contact, does that mean we should be biased towards a theory that supports the “Churchism” of 1600 centuries? Certainly not! For example: if you handicapped can’t explore the Savannah, does that mean tigers are non existent? This hypothesis leads to similar consensus, disguising and perversed hypothesis. The further arguments are pertinent to the probable evolution of human brain. I would just make some comment as this is short article.

The consensus among such biologists that the evolutionary path from primitive Cambrian chordates, e.g. Pikaia to Homo sapiens, was a highly improbable event. Other improbable features of humans include:
*.Being the only extant bipedall and (non-avian)vertebrate. Combined with an unusual eye–hand coordination, this permits dextrous manipulations of the physical environment with the hands;
*.A vocal apparatus far more expressive than that of any other mammal, enabling speech. Speech makes it possible for humans to interact cooperatively, to share knowledge, and to acquire a culture;
*.The capability of formulating abstractions to a degree permitting the invention of mathematics, and the discovery of science and technology. Only recently did humans acquire anything like their current scientific and technological sophistication.

See, why these all are flawed assumption woven by their complex organic mind? Awesome bipedal human eye hand coordination! WTF, you are refraining from a proper biology and logic! Recent researches showed that Dolphins are at least as intelligent as apes. They can count and perform some basic mathematical calculations in units. Why to restrain yourself just to vocal apparatus? Whale’s Humpback song could be a sort of communication. They could organize males during breeding seasons and help each other, a diligent markup of social animal(James et al. 2006). What’s more awesome coordination as being a social animal could be observed in Hyenas. That’s why it is totally illogical to accept rare earth hypothesis. I’ll get back to this article with details.

Why Extraterrestrial Contact is ‘NOT’ Blithering?

Currently, we are a developed(?) sentient terrestrial being who has just started exploring this mysterious universe and searching whether there is another extraterrestrial being spawning somewhere in the corner of cosmos. According to some great minds(or so assumed), the contact with extraterrestrial is hopeless. The major complications which are involved in extraterrestrial contact are enormous distanced heavenly bodies coupled with light speed limit. SETI researchers routinely subscribe to view that interstellar travel between galactic habitable zones is exceedingly improbable due to velocity of light limitation with some solutions offered to that. Miguel Alcubierre has proposed a theoretical possibility of hyperluminal speed travel which would acquire space time metric engineering.

To elaborate the metric engineering perspective, we begin with the apparent velocity of light limitation. As a physical concept, this limitation is based on the fact that mass and energy find mathematical expression in a form proportional to 1/√(1-(v/c)²) which implies that an infinite amount of energy would be required to accelerate a mass to near light speed. A hidden assumption in the argument that this constitutes a practical limitation with regard to interstellar travel, however, is that light of speed is absolute. A commenter, Dave pointed out that speed of light is not absolute constant ultimately. I’m agree with him pretty much. The speed of light can be formulated as c=1/√(magnetic permeablity of vaccum*electric permittivity of vaccum).

Let begin with me and consider the modifying space time itself. What if extraterrestrial are going to modify the space time by utilizing their advanced science. If maxwell’s equations are modified by implementing technological means and these two basic factors, on to which light speed depends are lessened to a extent where light speed becomes 10c or so. This approach would eventually allow superluminal travel without the violation of physical laws. Applying and modifying gravity might also work. Casimir effect is most useful in modifying space time. It was observed that when a photon passes through the casimir plates, its speed is increased which is due subsequential reduction in vaccum energy. By applying pesky wormhole tricks and implementation of casimir effect at macroscopic level could make it even easier. Though we may fail to establish any contact with extraterrestrials yet we can’t dismiss the possibility that extraterrestrial might come anywhere, anytime! Living as we do in technological triumphant times, we are inclined to view interstellar travel, as a technical challenge, will no doubt be difficult but feasible, given the right way and resourcefulness.

Our radical assumption is that extraterrestrial civilizations are very far flunged which might not be true at all. We need to redefine what we are searching for: extraterrestrial intelligence or extraterrestrial human being. If our SETI pioneers are searching for second, I’m clarifying here intimacy is not likely either. Just hover your eyes over a square kilometer of jungle then probably you will realize why I’m claiming this. Even on our planet we can see a vivid biodiversity from insects to squids. Forget not, human evolved just because of a splitted gene. Now time travel to 65million years back to the cretaceous period and deflect that big asteroid by sequential hydrogen bomb explosion-something that somehow will save the dinosaurs and jet their evolution to continue. Now go forward in time in the same splitted timeline and you will probably intimate a reptilian civilization, may once portraying the false assumption of extraterrestrial civilization. You know evolution of human was impossible if dinosaurs had survived the catastrophe. Thusly, it can be argued critically that we may not find homonid aliens however.

The third crucial assumption which called into question and redefined, short life time of extraterrestrial eventually precluding the interstellar travel. Interstellar travel involves enormous distances and when coupled with light speed limit, it becomes almost impossible to make a journey withing our life time of not even a century. It may be a intricate problem for us due to our shorter life terms. But this may not be applicable for extraterrestrial life. While assuming any limitation for extraterrestrial life from our point of view, we should rethink at least twice. It is possible that extraterrestrial may have life time of several million years. Recently, 40 million year old bacteria( Bacillus Sphaericus) were found in a stomach of a bee encased in a amber. These bacteria were also found in a state of suspended animation and were re animated in a laboratory. So this can be assumed that fleet of technological civilization may survive for thousands of years at the least. Thus, increasing the probability of extraterrestrial contact.

Now, I think this analysis might provide a key to understanding some basic prospects of extraterrestrial contact which is purported to vague by researchers.